How to Make an Address Change

Whether you’re moving across the street or across the country, the United States Postal Service can help make sure your mail gets where it should be. You can even update your address online for free or for a small fee.


Your medical providers, credit card companies, and online shopping services also need to know your new address. This list will help you make sure everyone is updated on time.

Notify Your Medical Providers

When you move, it is a good idea to update your medical and dental providers of your new address. Doing so ensures that you continue to get the healthcare you need and that your billing records remain accurate.

It’s also a good idea to change your address with your veterinarian, as well as any other service providers that you may have, such as dog groomers or pet food retailers. Many of these services send bills to your home address, so it is important that you have an up-to-date address in case there is ever a problem with payment.

Medical and non-physician providers who need to update their provider file should submit an address change using the Internet-based PECOS web system. This can be done by logging in to the provider portal and selecting “Address” from the list of options. If you have a CMS-855I form (individual) or CMS-855B/CMS-20134 form (organization), this should be uploaded at the same time.

Nevada Medicaid and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services have an online address change form for individuals. Click the link at right to log in and complete the form.

Notify Your Utility Company

Changing your address with utility companies is an important task to complete. Make sure to do this with enough lead time to avoid having a gap in service between your old and new home. Give the company a call to let them know you are moving and to set up services at your new home. This includes electricity, water, gas, internet, cable, and waste removal services.

It is also a good idea to change your address with your subscription services, such as newspapers and catalogs. Doing this will prevent your mail from being delivered to the wrong house and save you money on postage.

You should also contact your local post office to update your address and start mail forwarding. This can be done online or by filling out a form at your local post office. Make sure your new address is correctly spelled so that you don’t miss any important correspondence. Also, remember to update your address with any financial institutions, such as banks, credit card companies, and investment firms. This will ensure that you receive important documents, such as tax forms, pay stubs, and bank statements.

Notify Your Friends and Family

The last thing you want when moving to a new home is for important documents like your mortgage statement or insurance policies to be sent to the wrong address. With a little bit of planning, you can prevent this from happening by creating a change of address checklist and sticking to it.

You will need to notify your friends and family, including those you see frequently, that you are moving. You can do this by sending a group email or text with your new contact information and BCC’ing everyone else. Make sure you also update your online accounts like social media, shopping websites, and newsletter subscriptions so that future messages are delivered to your correct address.

Other important parties you will need to notify include local medical providers like doctors, dentists, and orthodontists as well as your local transportation services. If you are a member of travel loyalty programs or use TSA Pre-Check, you will need to let them know that you have moved as well. Keeping your accounts up to date will help you avoid any future fees for changing your address or missed perks.

Notify Your Financial Institutions

Your bank, credit card companies and investment brokerages need to know your new address. This ensures that they can send you statements and any new cards you might get. It also helps prevent identity theft by making it harder for criminals to get a hold of your information through mail theft. Many of these financial institutions allow you to change your address instantly online, and it is usually as simple as logging into your account.

If you have a mortgage, it is essential that your lender know about the move as well. It can help avoid problems with your loan, including a late payment or a foreclosure. It can also make it easier to work out any payment arrangements if the lender needs to do so.

Remember to notify any lenders that you have student loans, auto loans or home equity lines of credit. These organizations also need to know your new address and it can help you avoid any issues down the road, such as unpaid bills or inaccurate reporting to the credit bureaus.

Notify Your Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration

You will also need to update your address with the state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This will change your address on your non-commercial driver’s license, permit or photo ID card as well as your vehicle registration. You can change your address with the DMV online, by mail or in person. You will need to provide a photo ID, proof of your new address and payment.

Insurance companies will also need to know your new address. This is important because they will use your place of residence to determine your risk and rates. Failing to notify your insurance provider of your new address can lead to costly penalties.

Whether you are renting or buying your home, it is essential to keep all of the above entities updated with your correct address. Missing important bills, letters and documents is easy to do when your information is not updated. Stay on top of things by completing your change of address checklist soon after moving!