The Unspoken Rules of Driving Etiquette

방문운전연수 When you’re on the highway, following driving etiquette can help keep everyone safe. Here are a few general rules to remember.


It’s annoying when someone takes up a parking space that you’re entitled to use – but honking and shouting is unnecessary, and potentially dangerous. Try a courtesy wave instead.

1. Slow down

You learn all about 방문운전연수 traffic laws in driver’s ed, but what about the unwritten driving etiquette that meets at the intersection of safety and civility? These are the types of habits that can help you avoid an accident and even save on your car insurance.

It’s a good idea to slow down to the speed limit, especially on busy highways. It is not safe for you to be going so much faster than everyone else, and it makes other drivers nervous. Plus, driving at a constant, consistent speed is more fuel efficient.

It’s also important to be a courteous driver on the road by not tailgating other vehicles. It is aggressive and dangerous, and can cause you to rear end someone if they have to slam on the brakes for any reason. It’s also not polite to stay parked in the passing lane for more than a few seconds. If you’re on a narrow street, it’s a courtesy to wave to drivers who give way so that you don’t block them on the right.

2. Give way

Whether you’re driving or a passenger, it is courteous to let other drivers through in traffic. It’s a good idea to make eye contact with the driver of the vehicle you wish to pass in order to establish who has the right of way. This is especially important when two cars arrive at an intersection simultaneously.

Similarly, if another driver tries to squeeze into your parking spot despite you clearly signaling your intention to turn, be courteous and let them in. While you may feel 방문운전연수 that being in a hurry entitles you to the spot, it’s not fair for others waiting behind you who want to get where they are going just as much as you do.

Similarly, it’s not acceptable to block the entrance of a railway level crossing (even on a green light) without letting people out. You should always check the situation carefully and obey any instructions from a traffic controller. Finally, when a driver goes out of their way to help you on the road, such as allowing you into a tight lane or waving you through an intersection, it’s polite to acknowledge them with a quick wave (but don’t take your hands off the handlebars). A little bit of kindness can go a long way in reducing stress and frustration on the roads.

3. Be courteous

One of the most common courtesy rules is to leave a three-second gap between your car and the driver in front of you. This is not just a courteous gesture, but also essential for safety. If the vehicle in front of you brakes suddenly, the driver behind may not have enough time to react and stop their own car.

You should also use your indicators when you want to turn, pull out or change lanes. Not doing so can be extremely dangerous for other drivers on the road and puts them at risk of accident.

It’s important to give way to emergency vehicles on the road. It can be a lifesaving courtesy to let ambulances, fire trucks and police patrols through traffic jams so they can reach their destinations in time. This is something that all private lesson and behind-the-wheel students are taught, and it’s good driving etiquette that should be observed by everyone on the roads. It’s also nice to give a thank-you wave when other motorists kindly let you join a queue or allow you to squeeze past them on a narrow street.

4. Don’t tailgate

Although there’s not much research to cast light on the subject, tailgating is considered an aggressive driving behavior that contributes to a significant portion of fatal highway crashes. Responding to a driver who’s tailgating you with more aggression can only make the situation worse. Instead, let them pass you when it’s safe to do so.

Be sure to leave a vehicle’s length of space between you and the car in front of you when possible, especially when weather conditions are bad or when you’re following a large truck. You should also avoid slamming on your brakes when the driver in front of you stops short, as this may only enrage them and lead to an unnecessary rear-end collision.

Do not block parking lot entrances and exits with your vehicle as this can confuse drivers who are entering or exiting the area. You should also avoid blocking the right lanes on a highway when you’re traveling at the speed limit or below it to allow faster-moving cars to travel in the passing lane. This will help to keep the traffic flow moving smoothly and safely for everyone.

5. Be safe

Your vehicle is a machine, a weapon, a home, a companion, and a lot of people depend on you to keep them safe while you drive. That’s why it’s important to remember the unspoken rules of driving etiquette.

The first rule is to always be safe. Sudden increases and decreases in speed, unpredictable lane changes, and tailgating are dangerous for everyone on the road. Always leave double the amount of distance between your car and the car in front of you, and be cautious about following too closely.

Also, be aware of your surroundings and never use your horn unless it’s absolutely necessary to warn pedestrians or other drivers of your presence. Using your horn in any other situation could be considered aggressive and could lead to a collision. Finally, there are certain things you should never do while driving, like swearing or making obscene gestures. There’s a good chance other drivers will see your actions as disrespectful and may retaliate in the same way. Road rage is a real thing and has caused many deadly accidents.